
Friday Feb 07, 2025
Altadena – David Peters (Music Producer) Ep. 42
Friday Feb 07, 2025
Friday Feb 07, 2025

The Eaton Fire has left a permanent mark on Altadena, a vibrant artistic community in Los Angeles. In this deeply personal episode of The Language of Creativity, music producer David Peters shares his experience of surviving the fire that destroyed much of his neighborhood. As one of the few remaining studio owners in Altadena, David recounts the chaotic days of evacuation, the impossible choices of what to save, and the eerie reality of returning to a community forever changed.
David and Steven discuss the broader implications of living as an artist in California—rising costs, fire risks, and the struggle to balance creativity with financial survival. They also explore David’s unconventional journey from Pennsylvania to London, to New York, and ultimately back to LA, where he built Oak House Studios from the ground up. With a career spanning decades, David has recorded renowned artists like Amber Rubarth, Dawes, and Blake Mills, while also developing his own artistry and coaching philosophy.
This episode is a reflection on resilience, community, and the complicated relationship artists have with Los Angeles. As David puts it, disaster forces us into a “toss-in” moment—where you must decide whether to rebuild or move on. With his home and studio still standing amidst the ashes, David wrestles with that very question.
Guest: David Peters

Website: OakHouseRecording.com
YouTube: David Peters Music
"The Studio Survived the Altadena EATON FIRE - What's It's Been Like" – YouTube
Episode References
Dawes – Official Website,
"I Love LA" 2025 GRAMMYs Opener Performance Press Release
Amber Rubarth – Official Website
Blake Mills – Official Website
Jo Blinman “The Coffee’s Gone Cold” (Produced by David Peters) – Spotify
Rich Mouser (The Mouse House Studio, Lost in Fire) – MixOnline Article,
GoFundMe Campaign
Bob Clearmountain (Lost Studio in Fire) – AllMusic Profile
Diego Meraviglia (Sommelier) – North American Sommelier Association Profile,
GoFundMe Campaign
Neumann U47 Microphone – Wikipedia
David Fridmann (Producer, Flaming Lips, MGMT, Tame Impala) – Wikipedia
Flaming Lips – Official Website
World Central Kitchen (Providing meals for survivors) – WCK.org
The Wrong Conversation – YouTube
Featured Music
"The Brightest Parade On Earth" – Written and Performed by David Peters
"Another Year" – Written and Performed by David Peters
”The First Offense” – Written and Performed by David Peters
Recorded live at SongSessions (YouTube)
”A Song from the Altadena Eaton Fire” Written and Performed by David Peters (recorded on iPhone) Watch on YouTube
Episode Tags
#Altadena #EatonFire #CaliforniaWildfires #LosAngeles #MusicProducer #MusicStudio #CreativeCommunity #FireSurvivor #DisasterRecovery #DeadPoetsSociety #OakHouseStudios #Dawes #BlakeMills #AmberRubarth #SimonDawes #SingerSongwriter #FolkMusic #StudioRecording #HomeRecording #StudioGear #NeumannU47 #MusicProduction #DavidFridmann #FlamingLips #LifeCoaching #CreativeResilience #LosAngelesMusic #FireEvacuation #NationalGuard #MusicIndustry #HomeStudio #IndieMusic #AcousticRecording #MixingEngineer #CreativeProcess #GearNerd #MusicTechnology #SelfProducedArtist #MusicMentorship #MusicCareer #SongSessions #HouseConcerts #CommunitySupport #InsuranceCrisis #ClimateCrisis #WildfireRecovery #MusicHistory #FireSafety #MusicCoaching #RecordingTechniques #YouTubeCreators #StudioBuild #FlamingLipsRecording #PalisadesFire #LosAngelesDisasters
This episode was hosted, mixed and edited by Steven Leavitt.
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Wednesday Dec 04, 2024
Wednesday Dec 04, 2024
What does it take to turn life's toughest challenges into inspiration? In this heartfelt and humor-filled episode, we welcome “multi-hyphenate” artist Jenna Bryson, whose creative journey has been shaped by resilience, humor, and a deep connection to her storytelling roots. Jenna is a singer-songwriter, comedian, kids' book author, former Disney party princess, and now a cancer survivor with an incredible story to share.
Jenna opens up about her unexpected diagnosis of stage-four uterine cancer and her fight to reclaim her health. Through candid humor and uplifting music, she reveals how creativity has been a lifeline through adversity. Steven and Jenna delve into her work with Quick and Funny Musicals at the Upright Citizens Brigade Theatre and reflect on the transformative power of art during her recovery. From recording on her iPad to navigating complex medical journeys, Jenna’s optimism is as inspiring as her multifaceted career. We hear the original song from Jenna's successful GoFundMe campaign, talk about the challenges of being a full-time artist while undergoing treatment, and her unforgettable near-death experience during a 12-hour surgery.
Jenna Bryson is a creative polymath who couldn’t pick a lane if she tried, and so now she has a background in dance, digital content, improv, music, producing, sketch comedy, and voiceover. She co-created the popular web-series “According to Kids”, wrote & published her first children’s book “Grace from Outer Space”, and wrote & recorded several songs that have been featured in some movies and TV shows. Also, she writes pilots that she really wants to see on her TV (and that sometimes place in contests), makes super-niche TikTok videos, and cooks a drool-inducing Filipino Chicken Adobo.
This episode is a celebration of courage, creativity, and the healing power of laughter and art. As Jenna says in her song Cancer Fighter: “Strike a match and light a fire, 'cause I can beat it.” Join us as we explore how creativity can be both a shield and a sword in the battle of life.
Guest: Jenna Bryson
Website: JennaBryson.com
Instagram: @JennaBryson
Grace from Outer Space – Amazon Books
Spotify Artist Profile – Jenna Bryson on Spotify
Jenna's iPad drawing of her NDE.
"Help Jenna Bryson Overcome Stage 4 Cancer" – GoFundMe.com
Period Piece – Broadway World | UCBcomedy
Susan Egan – Playbill
UCLA Medical Center Oncology
Uterine Cancer Awareness – igcs.org
The Future of Immunotherapy in Cancer Treatment – (North Huston Cancer Clinics)
Waiting for Guffman – imdb
Best in Show – imdb
What We Do in the Shadows – imdb
National Novel Writing Month – NaNoWriMo.org
Timeline Jumping (from medium.com)
Don't Call Us Tori
Gary Tharp, music producer (AlanGuno.com/team)
Featured Works in This Episode:
Cancer Fighter – Written and recorded by Jenna Bryson (YouTube)
Eternity – Performed live at Don't Call Us Tori (Karma Coffeehouse) on January 28, 2006
Promise Me (episode edit) – Written and performed by Jenna Bryson (Spotify)
#CancerFighter #CancerSurvivor #CancerAwareness #CancerJourney #Chemo #Chemotherapy #EndometrioidAdenocarcinoma #SurvivingCancer #GoFundMe #CancerFundraiser #UterineCancer #menstruation #Health #Recovery #MusicTherapy #CreativeOutlet #Storytelling #Comedy #UprightCitizensBrigade #UCBTheater #DisneyPrincess #Inspiration #CancerDiagnosis #Immunotherapy #Keytruda #HealthJourney #CancerTreatment #Hope #CityOfHope #Spirituality #Mindfulness #MedicalAdvocacy #ArtTherapy #GoFundMeSuccess #MultiHyphenateArtist #SingerSongwriter #KidsBookAuthor #PartyPlanner #MusicalWriter #DontCallUsTori #QuickAndFunnyMusicals #PeriodPiecePlay #GaryTharp #BroadwayLegend #BeautyAndTheBeast #TheLittleMermaid #PrincessParties #Karaoke #HollywoodKaraoke #ResilienceThroughArt #HealingThroughArt #NearDeathExperience #ChristopherGuest #NaNoWriMo #QuantumLeap #QuantumJumping #QuickAndFunnyMusicals #TimelineJumping #CreativeResilience #Mockumentaries #WaitingForGuffman #BestInShow #WhatWeDoInTheShadows #FaithJones #KarmaCoffeehouse #improvcomedy #musicals #periods

Sunday Nov 03, 2024
Sunday Nov 03, 2024
Futurist Bobby Fishkin collaborates with AI to explore how we might create a future “fit for our future selves,” drawing from a framework of systemic nurture and optimism to approach real-world challenges.
As co-founder of CrowdDoing, Bobby leads an interdisciplinary volunteer initiative that scales social innovation. His joint initiative mobilizes high-skilled volunteerism for projects like wildfire prevention, reducing stress through food and herbs, designing living walls for hospitals, creating zero-subsidy affordable housing, and rethinking economic models. With a background in philosophy (Yale University) and playwriting, Bobby’s work in systems change spans AI ethics, deliberative democracy, and regenerative development. He has shared insights at TEDx on his father’s work in Deliberative Polling, won the Texas Young Playwrights Festival for Mocha Latte or Cookie Dough, and co-produced a historically accurate Richard the Third at the Bloomsbury Theater in London. A polymath at heart, Bobby balances diverse projects and is actively shaping a vision for “Regenerative AI.”
In this episode, we define SolarPunk and explore why it’s a guiding inspiration for Bobby. We discuss the gap between what is achievable and what we have the imagination to aspire to. Bobby explains the importance of finding your Ikigai—the intersection of what you love, what you’re exceptional at, and what the world needs. The conversation delves into AI’s potential not just as a tool but as a co-creator, helping shape sustainable futures, establish new fields of knowledge, design institutions, and provide roles tailored to individuals’ skills and passions. Bobby also highlights the importance of curating AI output, sharing stories of guiding models away from misguided responses. Steven discusses the rapid growth of large language models and asks, “Is it conscious?” We also dive into Bobby’s early work as a playwright, the influence of improvisation on his leadership, and how his grandfather, an expert in applied creativity, wrote one of the earliest books on intuition.
Bobby’s work exemplifies how optimism, creativity, and collaboration are essential to building the world we want. As he puts it, “Some things we create need to exceed the boundaries of what one human lifetime can achieve.” When we dream together boldly, we unlock the true potential of what we can create.
* Many of the AI models we discussed have improved exponentially since the recording of this episode, but the principles covered are still relevant.
** The first half of this interview was originally aired on The Spaceship Earth Mission Log podcast: https://spaceshipearthmissionlog.substack.com/p/mission-log-1-bobby-fishkin
Guest: Bobby Fishkin
#SystemsChange Dialogue (Clubhouse App)
TEDxHayward - A Global Deliberative Society (YouTube)
Episode References
Novel AI
Backcasting (betterevaluation.org)
Leibniz (Wikipedia)
Ryan and Deci’s Self-Determination Theory (Wikipedia)
Solar Punk (Wikipedia)
The ingenious living bridges of India (BBC)
Building With Living Trees: The Story Behind Garden House (YouTube)
Bosco Verticale (Wikipedia)
Solar Punk Reddit Community
Tikkun olam (Wikipedia)
Moral Imaginations w/ Phoebe Tickell (YouTube)
Learning to Human Well... Together l Alexander Laszlo, Ph D (YouTube)
Derek Parfit (Goodreads)
Stephen Bau (bauhouse.ca)
Stephen Bau on The Language of Creativity Podcast (Ep. 17 | Ep. 18)
Janine Benyus and Biomimicry (Biomimicry Institute)
Warm Data – Nora Bateson (Warm Data Labs)
Social Capital Markets Conference (SOCAP)
Language of Creativity episode 30 – Open Heart, Linda Riber (Podbean | Substack)
Milton Fisher’s Book: Intuition (Amazon)
Buckminster Fuller Institute (BFI.org)
Forest Bathing (Wikipedia)
Attention Restoration Theory (Wikipedia)
AMA on LaMDA AI w/ Blake Lemoine (Clubhouse App)
Deliberative Polling by James Fishkin (Wikipedia)
Ikegai – Japanese Concept of Purpose (Wikipedia)
Richard Florida Creativity Group (CreativeClass.com)
Intrinsic Motivation Survey – Clary and Snyder’s volunteer function inventory scale (document)
Solipsism (Merriam-Webster)
You Have It All album by Lobate Scarp (BandCamp)
Enviu (enviu.org)
Donella Medows (donellameadows.org)
Welsh Cynefin curriculum (Wikipedia)
Mark Smith – Noosphere.earth (Substack)
Spider House Coffeehouse, Austin TX (TripAdvisor)
"Brechtian": A Clarification (4thwalldramaturgy.byu.edu)
About the host
Language of Creativity’s host Steven Leavitt enjoys discussing the ins and outs of all aspects of creating, creativity, and life with his fellow creators: artists, inventors, designers, producers and more. Along the way he hopes to gain perspective and multiply our understanding of what we share in common while creating, living, and learning. www.stevenleavitt.com
Join our mailing list on Substack and consider supporting the show with a membership.
Please review this podcast on Apple Podcasts, Amazon, and Spotify to help other creatives find their tribe!
Production Credits:
This podcast was produced by I Create Sound
Edited by Sam Levine
Featured Music:
Soothing Innovations Ambient (from the Descript music library)
Travel-Within-Ourself (spoken word) performed by Bobby Fishkin mixed with Analog Romance (from the Descript music library).
#futurism #solarpunk #regenerativeAI #moralimagination #livingbridges #systemicnurture #biomimicry #buckminsterfuller #benjaminfranklin #attentionrestorationtheory #forestbathing #deliberativepolling #selfdeterminationtheory #ikigai #venturelab #volunteerism #socialimpactstockexchange #socialcapitalmarkets #futureofwork #sustainability #indigenouswisdom #creativesolutions #systemschange #plays #theater #creativeclass #intuition #dreams #richardflorida #anthroresilience #philosophyoffuture #reframeit #Kaitiakatanga #benfranklin #webdebois #noosphere #MarkSmith #biodesign #permaculture #neurodivergence #neuralnet #ar #vr #artificialintelligence #chatGPT #NovelAI #largelanguagemodels #planetaryhealth #systemsthinking #paradigmshift #deliberativedemocracy #heartbraincoherence #complexsystems #ethicalAI #backcasting #JanineBenyus #BioMimicry #DerekParfit #JeanJacobs #MarkTwain #EdwardBellamy #NoraBateson #PhoebeTickle

Friday Oct 11, 2024
Ten Feet From Tom Petty – Dave Greene (Drummer/Backline Technician) Ep. 39
Friday Oct 11, 2024
Friday Oct 11, 2024
Our next guest toured the world for two decades as the drum tech for Tom Petty and The Heartbreakers, witnessing rock history up close.
Dave Greene’s leap into the music world began when he discovered the Zappa Institute of Technology, a trade school created by Frank Zappa to train up technicians for the world of stage-tech. Dave quit his corporate job, attended the school, and soon found himself working with blues artist Keb’ Mo’.
Dave opens up about his transformative experiences working with Tom Petty, sitting directly behind Steve Ferrone on every stage and tuning drums for every Heartbreakers album since 2000. Dave drops gems about the music industry, his work with other legends like Lisa Marie Presley, and shares advice about humility, perseverance, and the unique osmosis of being in the aura of great performers. We talk about the insane logistics of touring for such a large group, having zero margin for error, the politics of tour buses, and how Dave ended up getting invited to play percussion with Joe Walsh! He shares his memories of watching one of The Heartbreakers final performances from the audience's perspective, calling them "one of the best rock and roll bands left on the planet."
This episode is more than just a behind-the-scenes look at rock and roll; it’s a masterclass in creativity, adaptability, and the power of following your passion, even when the road gets tough. Dave Greene's story offers invaluable insights into the music industry and the art of seizing opportunities, making this a must-listen for anyone who dreams of leaving their mark on the world.
Guest: Dave Greene
(Due to the impacts of the Pandemic on the live touring industry, many of the web properties Dave mentioned in the episode are no longer accessible; Dave is no longer on social media.)
AMP Rehearsal – Website
Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers – Wikipedia, Spotify
Steve Ferrone (Drummer for Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers) – Wikipedia
Ron Blair (Bassist for Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers) – Wikipedia
Benmont Tench (Keyboardist for Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers) – Wikipedia
Mike Campbell (Guitarist for Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers) – Wikipedia
Keb’ Mo’ – Wikipedia, Spotify
Frank Zappa – Wikipedia, Spotify
Dweezil Zappa – Wikipedia, Spotify
“Don’t Come Around Here No More” – Music Video
"Lead Me On" by Amy Grant – Wikipedia, Spotify
Joe Walsh – Wikipedia, Spotify
Bob Seger and the Silver Bullet Band – Wikipedia, Spotify
The Last DJ by Tom Petty – Wikipedia, Spotify
George Drakoulious – Wikipedia, Discogs
Jim Scott - Wikipedia
Richard Dodd – Tape Op
Jim Ladd - Wikipedia
The Last DJ: Live at the Olympic – Amazon | YouTube
“Cry Myself to Sleep” by Christy Nava - Spotify
Ali Starlight – starrlightmusic.com
The Babymaker Electric Bike – Indiegogo
How to Tune Your Drums and Make Them Thump (article by Dave Greene) – The Music Page Plus (on TheWayBack Machine)
Simpleology by Mark Joyner – Simpleology.com
Ali Starlight – starrlightmusic.com
The Laws of Success in 16 Lessons by Napoleon Hill – Goodreads
Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill – Goodreads
mp3.com – Wikipedia
Featured Music
“Heroes In Disguise” Instrumental by David S. Greene, Karolyn Marie Roberts, Steven Leavitt. Drums performed by Steve Ferrone.
“Move Through” by David S. Greene, Karolyn Marie Roberts.
About the host
Language of Creativity’s host Steven Leavitt enjoys discussing the ins and outs of all aspects of creating, creativity, and life with his fellow creators: artists, inventors, designers, producers and more. Along the way he hopes to gain perspective and multiply our understanding of what we share in common while creating, living, and learning. www.stevenleavitt.com
Join our mailing list on Substack and consider supporting the show with a membership.
Please review this podcast on Apple Podcasts, Amazon, and Spotify to help other creatives find their tribe!
Production Credits:
This podcast was produced by I Create Sound
Edited by Sam Levine
#Attuned, #AmpRehearsalStudios, #BenmontTench, #ClassicRock, #ConcertProduction, #CreativeProcess, #DannyDeVito, #DrumTech, #DrumTuning, #Drumming, #Eckankar, #Empath, #FrankZappa, #HollywoodBowl, #HollywoodMusicScene, #JoeWalsh, #KebMo, #LearningByOsmosis, #LisaMariePresley, #LiveMusic, #MusicCareer, #Entrepreneurship, #RockHistory, #MusicIndustry, #MusicLegends, #MusicMentorship, #MusicNetworking, #MusicProduction, #MusicStorytelling, #MusicTouring, #Napster, #NapoleonHill, #NevilleGoddard, #OzzyOsbourne, #ZakkWylde, #PandemicImpactOnMusic, #RockAndRoll, #RockConcerts, #RockLegends, #RonBlair, #Star44Alliance, #SteveFerrone, #StudioLife, #StudioRecording, #ThinkAndGrowRich, #TomPettyAndTheHeartbreakers, #ToniArthur, #TouringLife, #ZappaInstituteOfTechnology, #mp3com, #idols, #Eagles, #HollywoodStories, #Motown, #TheFunkBrothers, #Spirituality, #Drummer, #DrumTechnician, #COVID, #Coronavirus, #Tour, #RockMusic, #Tuning, #Keyboard, #AudioEngineering, #MusicalWisdom, #Humility, #LiveProduction, #BoomOperator, #BacklineTechnician, #AudioTechnician, #StageTech, #LiveConcertProduction, #SchoolForStageTech, #LiveTechnicians, #PaddStudioLosAngeles, #AMPRehearsal, #MarcCoi, #DweezilZappa, #CarrieFisher, #AmyGrant, #TheMatrix, #MikeCampbell, #ToriAmos, #BobSegerAndTheSilverBulletBand, #RichardDodd, #TheLastDJ, #TheZone, #Music.

Saturday Sep 28, 2024
From Richmond to Billboard – Corey Blount (music producer) Ep. 38
Saturday Sep 28, 2024
Saturday Sep 28, 2024
From Richmond, Virginia, to producing Billboard-charting hits in Los Angeles, Corey Blount’s path through the music industry has been anything but conventional.
Corey Blount, known professionally as "Blount," is a music producer, songwriter, and audio engineer. Over the last decade, Corey has worked with artists like lovelytheband, Cheat Codes, Lee Brice, and Lindsay Ell. His work spans genres, and his productions have earned over 100 million streams, landing spots on the Billboard charts.
In this episode, Corey talks about his journey, how he navigated the music industry's highs and lows, and the creative ways he's broken routine to maintain perspective—like taking an impromptu hot air balloon ride. He jokes about not playing an instrument, saying, “I play the computer,” while sharing stories from working on Sail Away by lovelytheband and co-producing How Do You Love with Cheat Codes, Lee Brice, and Lindsay Ell. Corey opens up about his experiences working across genres, the importance of mental health, and the unpredictable nature of success. His story offers valuable insights for anyone looking to build a creative career while maintaining balance.
Corey’s story reminds us that making it is rarely a straight path. From small-town beginnings to chart-topping hits, it’s the willingness to adapt, take risks, and break routine that makes the difference. His journey, like any creative's, is fueled by persistence and an openness to the unexpected, offering a perspective that resonates with anyone driven to succeed in their own craft.
Guest: Corey Blount (Blount)
Featured Music:
A collaboration written by Corey Blount and Steven Leavitt
“Church” by Coey Redd - Listen on Spotify
Episode References:
“Sail Away” by lovelytheband - Listen on Spotify
“How Do You Love” by Cheat Codes ft. Lee Brice & Lindsay Ell - Listen on Spotify
All You Need to Know About the Music Business by Donald Passman - Goodreads
“Going Through It” by Sam James ft. Moneybagg Yo & NoCap - Listen on Spotify
Bryce Vine - Listen on Spotify
Coey Redd - Listen on Spotify
Dennis Lipari - LinkedIn
TDE (Top Dawg Entertainment)
Max Martin
About the Host
Language of Creativity’s host Steven Leavitt enjoys discussing the ins and outs of all aspects of creating, creativity, and life with his fellow creators: artists, inventors, designers, producers and more. Along the way he hopes to gain perspective and multiply our understanding of what we share in common while creating, living, and learning. www.stevenleavitt.com
Production Credits:
This podcast was produced by I Create Sound
Edited by Sam Levine
You can support the podcast by joining us on Substack!
Please review this podcast on Apple Podcasts, Amazon, and Spotify to help other creatives find their tribe!
#musicproduction #musicproducer #billboardcharts #ASCAP #BryceVine #CoeyRedd #lovelytheband #CheatCodes #MoneybaggYo #NoCap #RichmondVA #losangeles #audioengineering #mentalhealth #independentmusic #producerlife #songwriting #creativejourney #soundexchange #donaldpassman #hotairballoon #viralhits #TikTokChallenges #Triller #TopDawgEntertainment #oldtownroad #countrymusic #edm

Tuesday Aug 06, 2024
Tuesday Aug 06, 2024
Our next guest spent a magical year in London as a singer-songwriter, only to learn of the tenuous relationship between money, music, and burnout.
After having a “breakup” with her music, Lauren Spangler finished grad school and moved back to the United States, becoming an executive strategist in the corporate world. With newfound stability, she was able to start a family. Now a creative coach and strategist, Lauren helps busy professionals reclaim their inner artist and bring more inspiration, flow, and fulfillment into their lives. To reconnect with her own inner artist, Lauren paints both in watercolor and on a digital tablet. She describes her works as “original art for the young at heart.”
In this well-paced episode, we discuss how to build a healthy relationship with your creativity. Lauren shares the story of her album “To London With Love,” which was self-recorded in her flat in London. We talk about balancing creativity and obligations, and Lauren describes the difficulties of finding time for oneself as a parent of two toddlers. She explains how taking precious moments for painting actually fills her cup, allowing her to return recharged to give her best to her kids. Lauren also recounts the first time someone contacted her on Instagram wanting to buy one of her paintings, which she initially thought was a scam. Finally, we explore what can be done with creative work from over a decade ago, borrowing the idea from Permaculture, “Composting” to re-exhibit past creative work.
In “The Graveyard Song,” Lauren says, “We are born with a story to be worn but they have gone to the pages past the binding.” Although the song was written about her late father, I find it a metaphor for how art lives on, what artists leave behind, and what about all the art that maybe never had a chance to be made.
Lauren Spangler holds up “Abundance”
Guest: Lauren Spangler
Website: LaurenSpangler.com
Spark or Sputter Test: https://www.laurenspangler.com/spark
Instagram: @LaurenSpangler
Spotify: Spotify Artist Profile
Featured Music:
“To London with Love” by Lauren Spangler – Listen on Spotify
“Hey Little Bird” by Lauren Spangler (lyric excerpt) – Listen on Spotify
“The Graveyard Song” by Lauren Spangler – Listen on Spotify
Episode References:
Don't Call Us Tori - https://dontcallustori.com/
Amusement Park Studios in Lubbock, Texas - Website
Julia Cameron’s The Artist's Way - View on Goodreads
Design Science Studio
Permaculture Research Institute
Lobate Scarp's debut album "Time and Space" - Listen on Bandcamp
Spark or Sputter self-assessment
About the host
Language of Creativity’s host Steven Leavitt enjoys discussing the ins and outs of all aspects of creating, creativity, and life with his fellow creators: artists, inventors, designers, producers and more. Along the way he hopes to gain perspective and multiply our understanding of what we share in common while creating, living, and learning. www.stevenleavitt.com
Production Credits:
This podcast was produced by I Create Sound
Edited by Sam Levine
Join us on Substack!
Please review this podcast on Apple Podcasts, Amazon, and Spotify to help other creatives find their tribe!
#painting #singersongwriter #London #Hammersmith #studyingabroad #parenting #childrensart #executivestrategist #postpartemdepression #creativity #creativecoach #musician #artist #paytoplay #watercolor #digitalart #artforsale #momlife #worklifebalance #selfcare #musicproduction #ScottFerris #selfrecording #independentartist #creativityandparenting #permaculture #arttherapy #artformentalhealth #artinspiration #creativeburnout #corporatestrategy #reclaimyourcreativity #creativelifebalance #artcommunity #artcareer #selfexpression #creativejourney #musicindustry #artresilience #innerartist #creativewellbeing

Saturday Mar 30, 2024
Steve Just Hits Publish – Steven Leavitt (host)
Saturday Mar 30, 2024
Saturday Mar 30, 2024
Review on Apple Podcasts https://podcasts.apple.com/mm/podcast/the-language-of-creativity-podcast/id1402964967
send a hello note
Julia Cameron – The Artists Way
Daniel Pink – A Whole New Mind
Rick Ruben – The Creative Act
Spaceship Earth Mission Log https://www.youtube.com/@spaceshipeearthmissionlog
Carl Welty, architect https://spaceshipearthmissionlog.substack.com/p/mission-log-6-carl-welty
#creativity #AI #consciousness #art #problemsolving #innerdialogue podcast #contentfactory #youtuberquitting #entrepenaurship #curiousity

Wednesday Feb 14, 2024
BONUS E Ku'u Morning Dew – Anthony Kauka Stanley (ukulele performance)
Wednesday Feb 14, 2024
Wednesday Feb 14, 2024
Featured Music: E Ku'u Morning Dew (Words by Larry Kimura, music by Eddie Kamae)
Anthony Kauka Stanley
Kala Ukeleles – Artist Highlight
YouTube Channel
Instagram @anthonykauka
Center For World Music – Teaching Artist Spotlight
Full episode: https://languageofcreativity.podbean.com/e/thekindnesswarriors-anthonykaukastanley-kalaukulele/

Sunday Feb 04, 2024
The Kindness Warriors – Anthony Kauka Stanley (Kala Ukulele Artist) Ep. 36
Sunday Feb 04, 2024
Sunday Feb 04, 2024
The ukulele is often seen as a simple instrument, a toy or a novelty. Yet, in the hands of a master, it becomes a powerful tool of cultural expression and connection. This humble instrument, with its gentle and voicelike tones, carries within it the soul of the Hawaiian islands, transcending its small form to spread the spirit of Aloha across the world.
Anthony Kauka Stanley was born into a very unique family: being of Hawaiian, Mexican, Greek, Chinese, Irish, Spanish, German, and Cherokee descent, his mother was blessed by the Kumu Hula to start her own Polynesian dance company at the unusually young age of 12. Anthony grew up performing with and would eventually become the music director of his family’s dance company, one of the largest in Southern California. During his time at Occidental College in Glendale, CA, where President Obama once walked the halls, Anthony found a respite from the demanding performance schedule of his family's Polynesian dance company by immersing himself in not just one, but four sports—football, basketball, wrestling and volleyball. Instead of hurting his performance, Anthony found the diversity of activities actually helped him excel at multiple sports; his dancing helped his agility and he remained the captain of multiple teams.
In this conversation, Anthony shares a lot about the value of being completely present. We talk about how Steve met Anthony through his sponsorship with Kala Brand Ukuleles, Anthony shares about the importance of authenticity, community and leadership and how people will always need places they can feel safe, appreciated and inspired. Steve wonders how Anthony can keep up with so many commitments, and relates about how greater success seems to come from leaning harder into creativity. We also talk about the shadow side of performing, and how it’s easy to turn to drugs or alcohol when something used to be a healthy outlet (music) turns into a stressful job. Most notably, Steve askes Anthony about the healing spirit of Aloha and Anthony shares how the ukulele is like a 'Trojan Horse,' able to subtly open doors to deeper connections across diverse communities.
Anthony’s Hawaiian name Kaukaulua’ole means “Fearless Warrior,” and he is truly a warrior of peace and presence to all he meets.
“To be truly fearless means to be loved.” – Anthony Kauka Stanley
Guest: Anthony Kauka Stanley
Kala Ukeleles – Artist Highlight
YouTube Channel
Instagram @anthonykauka
Center For World Music – Teaching Artist Spotlight
Featured Music: E Ku'u Morning Dew (Words by Larry Kimura, music by Eddie Kamae)
Intro Music: Disney Pixar's Up - "Married Life" composed by Michael Giacchino, arranged and performed by Anthony Kauka Stanley. (Video: YouTube)
Episode References:
Heali'i's Polynesian Revue – official website
Debbie Evans – debbieevans.com (Steve's mom)
Carlsbad, California – tourism bureau
Israel Kamakawiwo'ole: The Voice Of Hawaii – NPR
Kumu Hula – Honolulu Magazine
Harry Belefante – Wikipedia
Guy Lombardo – Wikipedia
Occidental College Official Website
NAMM Show (Official Website)
United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America
Center for World Music
The Surrender Experiment (book)
About the host
Language of Creativity’s host Steven Leavitt enjoys discussing the ins and outs of all aspects of creating, creativity, and life with his fellow creators: artists, inventors, designers, producers and more. Along the way he hopes to gain perspective and multiply our understanding of what we share in common while creating, living, and learning. www.stevenleavitt.com
Production Credits:
This podcast was produced by I Create Sound
Edited by Sam Levine
Special thanks to Michael Bernard
Please review this podcast on Google Play, Apple Podcasts, Amazon Spotify and Stitcher to help other creatives find their tribe!
#connection, #SanDiego, #California, #Hawaii, #aloha, #triathlete, #football, #baseball, #basketball, #AP, #crosstraining, #nonprofit, #musicteaching, #mindset, #toxictraits, #integrity, #passion, #confidence, #businessmajor, #Obama, #communityresources, #music, #musiceducation, #harrybelefonte, #community, #polynesiandance, #teaching, #culture, #performance, #ukulele, #worldmusic, #creativity, #storytelling, #art, #selfexpression, #musicianship, #inspiration, #family, #spirituality, #multiculturalism, #lifephilosophy, #personaljourney, #podcasting, #artsandculture, #mentorship, #lifegoals, #culturalheritage, #musicaljourney, #entrepreneurship, #presentness, #communityimpact, #personaldevelopment, #emotionalintelligence, #collaboration, #creativespace, #selfcare, #musicindustry, #artistlife, #creativeprocess, #selfdiscovery, #performanceart, #lifelessons, #personalstory, #inspirationaltalk, #culturalawareness, #worklifebalance, #resilience, #wellbeing, #authenticity, #leadership, #mentalhealth, #surrenderexperiment

Thursday Dec 21, 2023
Hard Left – Jeff Serafine (former A&R rep) Ep. 35
Thursday Dec 21, 2023
Thursday Dec 21, 2023
Meet a former A&R rep who was deeply entrenched in the heart of the music industry with giants like Sire Records and Warner and then chose to leave it all behind.
Jeff Serafine is a man of many facets. He navigated the ever-changing tides of the music industry and rubbed shoulders with icons. Jeff left the big labels to pursue artist management independently, but life took a series of unexpected turns. Realizing he wasn’t fulfilled in the fast-paced world of the music business, Jeff, who initially studied audio engineering and music therapy, ventured into assisting startups until he realized that fledgling businesses were a lot like bands. Jeff's story is a blueprint of daring change, a narrative that challenges the status quo and inspires the maverick in each of us.
In our talk, Jeff delves into his experiences in the music industry, sharing insights from his A&R days and reflecting on the industry's evolution. We explore the intersection of art and business, and Jeff opens up about life's unforeseen turns. He humorously discusses the ubiquity of his name and shares his half-serious dream of one day founding a conference exclusively for people named “Jeff.” Our conversation covers everything from the importance of networking – where a simple ride-share could lead to new opportunities – to his pragmatic shift to financial advising. Jeff's journey is a testament to embracing change and finding new paths when the familiar ones diverge. Finally, Jeff shares his love of stand-up comedy and jokes about possibly giving it a try if everything else falls apart.
Wrapping up our discussion with Jeff, it's clear that his story celebrates life's unpredictability. It’s a narrative that challenges us to find excitement in the unknown and to view each 'hard left' not as a detour but as a pathway to new and exhilarating destinations.
Guest: Jeff Serafine
Instagram: @JeffLeopardSerafine
Episode References:
Victor Wooten, Music As Language (TED ED: YouTube)
Episode 29 - Spiro Razatos (Action Director, Fast and Furious franchise)
Seymour Stein (Sire Records)
Sire Records (Discogs.com)
Warner Records (Wikipedia)
Millie Vanilli (Independent.co.uk)
Ashlee Simson SNL lip-sync incident (Yahoo Entertainment)
Elizabeth Holmes Theranos scandal (CNN)
Morning Pages (a description by Chris Winfield)
Sleep Token (official website | Spotify)
Story of the Year (official website | Spotify)
Berklee College of Music - https://www.berklee.edu/
Featured Music
Black Cats by Testing Tomorrow (Spotify)
Water by Testing Tomorrow (Spotify)
Nothing Wrong by Lobate Scarp (BandCamp)
About the Host
Language of Creativity’s host Steven Leavitt enjoys discussing the ins and outs of all aspects of creating, creativity, and life with his fellow creators: artists, inventors, designers, producers and more. Along the way he hopes to gain perspective and multiply our understanding of what we share in common while creating, living, and learning.
Personal website and music portfolio - StevenLeavitt.com
Music and media production company, creative consulting - I Create Sound
Please review this podcast on Google Play, Apple Podcasts, Amazon Spotify and Stitcher to help other creatives find their tribe!
#A&R #existentialrabbitholes #procrastination #creativity #film #musicindustry #influence #jazz #VictorWooten #musictheory #musiceducation #artistmanagement #SeymourStein #financialadvising #livemusic #TaylorSwift #socialmedia #musicpromotion #artist #entrepreneurship #art #StoryofTheYear #business #creativity #gigeconomy #bitcoin #NFT #AI #artificialIntelligence #authenticity #overnightsuccess #audienceengagement #RobinWilliams #jokes #standupcomedy #retirement #emotion #connection #positiveenergy #happiness #wingingit #TalyorSwift #LinkinPark #Jersey #NewYork #LosAngeles